Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) - 5th issue

The fifth issue of the Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) – an official journal of the Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care is published and available at the Journal web site.
MEBM is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published two times per year with no author processing fees.

Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) - 4th issue

The fourth issue of the Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) – an official journal of the Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care is published and available at the Journal web site.
MEBM is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published two times per year with no author processing fees.

Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) - 3rd issue

The third issue of the Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) – an official journal of the Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care is published and available at the Journal web site.
MEBM is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published two times per year with no author processing fees.
Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) - 2nd issue

The second issue of the Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) – an official journal of the Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care is published and available at http://mebm.eu/journal.
MEBM is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published two times per year with no author processing fees.
Previous issues, instructions for authors and other information about MEBM are available at the Journal web site.

MEBM - Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine

We announce that the first issue of the Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine (MEBM) – an official journal of the Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care is published, and available at http://mebm.eu/index.php/journal.
Annual Flow Cytometry Course 2017
From First Prinicples to Polychromatic Applications
Date: Monday 23rd October 2017 - Friday 27th October 2017
Time schedule: 8.30 AM - 6.30 PM
Location: Children's Hospital Srebrnjak, Department for Translational Medicine, Srebrnjak 100, Zagreb, Croatia
More information available at: http://icpedukacija.com/annual-flow-cytometry-course-2017/?lang=en
The European Human Genetics Conference 2017
11th European Cytogenetics Conference
12th Croatian Biological Congress
10th European Cytogenetics Conference
The European Human Genetics Conference 2015
Organisation of "1st Croatian Symposium of Biologists in Health Care"

"1st Croatian Symposium of Biologists in Health Care" will be held in Zagreb, November 28th 2015, under the organization of Croatian Society of Biologists in Health Care.
The main goal of this Symposium is exchange of professional and scientific knowledge among biological health professionals and other specialists. This kind of meeting will be held in Croatia for the first time, and hopefully became a tradition. In this first symposium the lecturers will be reputable Croatian scientists, and in the future it will take international character.